Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Blog

Dear Blog,

I kinda miss you! haha.

Had a great dinner with a friend yesterday, and I commended that I really enjoyed some of her blog entries.

She is a person really down-to-earth, and is true to herself while blogging. No wonder I can relate to some of the entries she writes, as she is good at describing some scenes & moments and make them "come alive".

This friend of mine is very intelligent, and has an inquisitive mind.

I enjoyed the conversation, and hope to have more of such quality time spent like these in future.

I am really thankful a classmate of mine brought me to CHC when I was 17 years old. Because of church, my whole life has changed for the better. I have friends whom I can call family. I have leaders in church who can give me wise counsel from the Bible whenever I am at a loss of what to do. I have role models to look up to. I become more positive. There is much laughter at my home now, and my relationships with my dad, mum, sis & bro improved a lot.

Thank God for church, for City Harvest, for Pastor Kong, Sun and other church leaders as well.
I am thankful. Thank you Jesus always for your grace & mercy upon my life. I love YOU! :D