Monday, January 25, 2010

Lessons Learnt

Last Friday, I shared a testimony of how the Lord rescued me and opened an alternative door for me when I did not do well in a particular module in NUS the last semester.

This testimony was long overdue. Supposed to share it before I graduated last May in 2009. However, I only decided to share it today because I thought we were having a University CG meeting, so sharing something related to studies and uni would be great. At first I was hesitant, because it did not sound glamorous at all.

However, after sharing the testimony, I felt that the people really thanked God and praised Him. Because the testimony really showed how GREAT and GOOD God is, and I really have NOTHING to boast about myself.

Thereafter, I heard Him telling me in a still small voice, t
hat, truly it is not the big things that would wow people. It is the things that are deemed insignificant in people's eyes, that would bring glory to His name. This reminds me of a bible verse that God would often use the simple to shame the wise, in 1 Corinthians 1: 27-29:

God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. [28] He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things — and the things that are not — to nullify the things that are, [29] so that no one may boast before him.

Hence, next time whenever I share a testimony, I pray that it will be always about how AWESOME Jesus is, and it is because of his GREATNESS, GOODNESS, MERCY and GRACE that I can share a testimony. It is NOT about how great I am, or what I have done to deserve something. Thank you JESUS. I do not want to have anything that I can boast of myself. Bring me to a place where I can acknowledge ALL your GOODNESS and GREATNESS, MERCY & GRACE in my life, that without YOU, I will be nothing. THANK U LORD.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

CK Family

I am very thankful to be part of the CK Family.

I really am. I am really blessed. So blessed that I can't contain it that I gotta give it away!!

Thank you Kee Liang, thank you Pastor, thank you every one in the CK zone who has made the whole family so CK.. hehe..

Like what Hui Juan said on Facebook, that she will never trade anything for the CHC experience.. I totally agree, and I pray I will not trade anything for the church and CK experience as well.....

Being part of a family is truly life's greatest blessing. Besides my natural family, I am glad someone took me in to be part of the CK family.. To have great leaders who are always so passionate about Christ and for His house. To constantly fight at the forefront for the better of the lives of many people in our church, and our zone.

Thank you Pastor CK, Kee Liang, and CK Zone. I am very proud to be part of this family :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Very Good Friend Is Attached! :D

Congratulations Darice!! :D

Am so happy for her when I saw her photos with Ben on facebook!! They look so compatible!! Really! haha.

Darice & Ben, may 2010 be the best year yet for the both of you!! :D

Darice was the helper who took care of me as a young Christian when I first came to City Harvest Church. I remembered that time I was in JC2, and was really bad at Math. I did not like Math at all because I was inconsistent in doing my tutorials, and did not really figured out what the lecturer was saying during class.

However, I remembered one phone call I had with Miss Darice on a Saturday morning that changed my perspective about Math, and realised that it is actually an interesting subject that made sense!!

Darice taught me about Functions in a one-hour long phone call during which I was still lying on my bed. And there and then she described to me the different graphs of f(x), etc etc and why they were drawn in those manner.

In a simple phone call, I realised that she was a great teacher and had tremendous patience. I was touched indeed.

There were days when I could call Darice and just chat about things. And we would talk about Jesus and about our futures till late at night. Looking back, I really miss those days. Darice is a person who is so full of love, and every time when I talk to her, I would feel very at ease.

Thank you Darice for making a great impact in my life. As I looked through your blog just now, memories of yesteryear began to fill my mind!! :)

Jesus has already fulfilled your wish about having a boyfriend who loves God and loves CHC wholeheartedly, so you can remove that item on your wishlist now!! :D

Looking forward to the day when you two will be blissfully married :D