Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today's service was soo good as Dr Dyson talked about family/relationships between the husband and wife.

Wells, I left the service with several thoughts as I never knew that marriage is actually a "classroom"in which our character is refined and we becoming more Christ-like in the process.

And, there is actually no marriage in Heaven. Haha. You either learn it now or you don't.

So, I learnt a big lesson that marriage is actually about me being the right person myself for my spouse, and not me trying to "harp" my future husband into becoming the perfect husband for me. Haha.

Really, Christianity is again about servanthood, being an awesome person myself so that I can be a blessing to others.

I hope God can give me a BIGGER heart and capacity, so that I can appreciate all the peope around me in my life, and love them like how Jesus will (although this is really a HUGE statement per se), and be a less self-centred person.

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