Friday, February 6, 2009

25 Random Things About Tiffany

U know, there has been a fad on Facebook recently, titled "25 Random Things About Me."

I thought a list of 25 is way too long, i shall cut it short to 10. HAHAHA..

so here it goes!!

1) I had a completely boyish haristyle when I was in primary school - for the whole of 6 years. and it looked as if it was cut placing a bowl on top of my head as a guideline.

2) I have a fad for chocolates.... but too much of it makes me gain weight... and i gain weight real quick!! :(

3) I enjoy taking the Theatre Studies module in NUS. It is the most interesting session I've ever attended because there are practical sessions in a dance studio which I can act and hop around in front of a HUGE WALL OF MIRROR for 2 full hours every week. HAHAA..

4) I would love to go the the USA one day, maybe for my honeymoon trip! ^^

5) I like to act and pose in front of a mirror, but sometimes I'm really shy, so I gotta be BOLDER in this aspect!!!

6) I enjoy long telephone conversations with my best best friends. haha. but that was a long long time ago.

7) one of my best friends in secondary sch - her email add is hahaa..

8) I'm a really talkative girl, can chat like non-stop. My late grandma used to call me "Little Bird" in the Kiangsi dialect because I am really a chirpy girl!! I'm the most talkative person in the family.

9) I like to bug ppl - Why is this happening? why is that happening? when I'm watching shows, so my family can't really stand me in this aspect. hahaaha.

10) I am so blessed to be in CK zone, so blessed to know the leaders in CK zone, ppl like darice, huijuan, keeliang, linying, pastor, evelyn. they form a huge core of my friendships in the church. and of course, cheryl, tina, aron chew, yujie, lina, ailing, aileen goh. i think life will be really miserable if i hadn't met you guys!!! hahaa.. really!

you gave me so much laughter and love. thank you for being my brothers and sisters in Christ!

and now, we're a family that loves, loves, loves, loves another... we're a family that cares, cares, cares, for our sisters and brothers.... ^^ Thank you for being my family! :D

1 comment:

Ruth. Ai Lin . said...

U r loved too! :))-Ailin